Lifton Values


We only supply premium quality equipment, we therefore only source premium quality materials and manufacture our products to company policy and specification. We do not accept poor quality; therefore we do not receive or dispatch poor or damaged goods, in line with company policies and Government Legislation.

Openness & Honesty

Our Mission Statement states that we operate 'on an overriding policy of Honesty, Fairness and Open Integrity'. We reiterate these values at all levels throughout our business.

Customer Relations

We have a hard earned reputation of outstanding service. We are friendly, honest, reliable and fair to deal with. Our customer's problems are our problems; we treat them seriously and with respect. We never over-promise and under-deliver. We believe that reliability is the key to repeat, successful business. We have a saying to our customers; "You'd rather be looking at it than looking for it!"


We recognize that we are a key component in our customer's organization. We pride ourselves on our competitiveness and our aim is to always provide the best value for our customers and clients but not at the expense of quality or service.


Business is people and our people all represent our company. We know that our behaviour and dealings affects our business relationships. We respect the choices that our customers and colleagues have.